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Cedarwood Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

About Us

A watercolor illustration of Cedarwood Elementary School, featuring a building with a flagpole and trees.

Cedarwood Elementary

Cedarwood Elementary School is a Transitional Kindergarten - 6th grade school located in Clovis, California.   Part of the accomplished Clovis Unified School District, Cedarwood Elementary prides itself on being a model of excellence in education.  
The mission of Cedarwood Elementary School is to promote safety and facilitate the educational growth of each child.  We believe it is our responsibility to provide exemplary programs, services, and activities to a diverse community that fosters lifelong learning and a commitment to society.  The Cedarwood staff is committed to maintaining high standards, and we believe all our students can maximize achievement in mind, body, and spirit through exemplary educational practices.  We are devoted to maintaining a clean, safe campus where students can thrive.
Cedarwood Elementary origins begin with a logging flume, a 42-mile long waterslide that snaked its way down the Sierra Nevada Mountains from Stevenson Creek, culminating at what was to become the Clovis Rodeo Grounds.  The flume, built from planks of cedar wood, was the historical basis used in naming Cedarwood Elementary.  The school is situated only a short distance from where the flume once flowed.  
On the Cedarwood Elementary campus, known as the “Home of the Hawks” in honor of its mascot, students can be seen regularly sporting their school colors of forest green, silver, and black.  
We are very proud of our Cedarwood Hawk community and we look forward to partnering with you to provide your child with an exceptional educational experience.  
Cedarwood’s Hawk Attitude – 20 character tenets that exemplify our school’s values:
1. Do the right thing
2. Actions speak louder than words
3. Talk to adults and peers with respect
4. Always do your best work
5. Say please and thank you
6. No excuses
7. Always make eye contact
8. Learn from watching
9. Clap for teammates
10. Have good posture
11. Pay attention in class
12. Be the best you can be
13. Don’t cut corners
14. Don’t worry, be happy
15. Play fair
16. Win with class, lose with dignity
17. Do your homework
18. Always be honest
19. No teasing/No bullying
20. Be organized

SARC Report Card